Bodywork for Babies and Toddlers

We have been fabulous over here and our sessions contributed to a big upswing in ease of nursing, less fussiness, and healing all around.
— Asha Meyers, Viroqua, WI

In a series of fun, baby-led sessions that cater to your bond with your child, we use gentle touch and movement to help your baby nurse and sleep better, release tension and birth trauma, grow and develop optimally, and be more relaxed and comfortable in life.

You’ll also receive my recommendations for individualized care at home, and a treatment plan with my estimate for how many sessions will be needed to help meet our treatment goals.

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • My child is very upset and seems uncomfortable.

  • My baby prefers turning his head to one side.

  • He favors one breast and nursing doesn't feel great.

  • She doesn't like tummy time. Or doesn't like being on her back. Or doesn't like being in some other position.

  • She can roll over one way, but not the other.

  • I want regular wellness visits for my baby.

  • I want to learn fun, effective ways to support my baby’s optimal development.

Is my baby’s body balanced?

  • Does your baby have symptoms like earaches, a “flat spot” on the head, asymmetrical facial features, congestion, crawling or gait imbalances, digestive issues, and general discomfort and unrest?

  • Your pediatrician may have told you your baby has torticollis. This literally means "twisted neck." It is often displayed as a strong head turning preference where baby turns or tips his head well in one direction, but not the other. It is actually part of a whole body tension pattern. Since the whole body is involved, neck stretches do not work well and are not recommended for torticollis. Rather, gentle touch and therapeutic movement guide baby through whole body release and integration.

  • A balanced body where baby has full and easy access to all his movements will support baby's digestion, head control, oral function, regulation, and motor and sensory development.

What are sessions for baby like?

All body parts (bones, muscles, organs, etc.) should move independently of their neighbors. When body parts don't move the way they are supposed to move, the restrictions interfere with proper body functioning.

  • I use my hands to assess whether the body has optimal movement.

  • The baby shows me areas that have restricted movement

  • I use gentle holds and touch to restore proper mobility. We'll often do this while you or I am holding your baby, or while your baby is feeding. We take breaks for snuggles, nursing, and diaper changes.

  • I'll show you movements and other practices you can do at home to help your baby.

  • Sometimes babies have an emotional response to the work (laughing, crying, sighing, yawning, stretching, wiggling, etc.)

I’m happy to report that our visit with ENT this morning went very, very well. Both of my son’s ears looked normal, no redness or inflammation. We’re so thrilled! This may be the first and only clinical visit we’ve ever had where his ears looked okay. I credit this drastic improvement to your cranial sacral work. I regret not coming to you sooner but am so glad we got in with you when we did and that his body took to it so well. Huge, gigantic thank you! Our whole family benefited from your work. We look forward to our next visit with you!
— Amanda DeVoogdt; Viroqua, Wisconsin

Sessions for Toddlers and Young Children


Children are clothed for the session and rest on the floor, a massage table or in my lap, or their parent’s lap. Children don’t need to hold still the entire time. Sometimes they nurse, crawl, or play with their parent during the treatment. Sometimes I show the child what we’ll be doing by demonstrating with the parent first.

I adapt my techniques to the attention span and needs of the child. I monitor the craniosacral rhythm with my hands. I conduct other gentle assessments and correct the sources of pain and dysfunction using gentle, supportive techniques that empower your child’s self healing capacities.

Sometimes children release emotions or cry during treatments, but the techniques do not hurt babies and children. Seldom does the pressure exceed five grams (the weight of a nickel). The work is very gentle.

A series of sessions sets the stage for the body to most efficiently use its own power to heal. Most children find the sessions to be deeply relaxing. Babies and children will often sleep for a longer stretch than usual after a session.

Thank you for today’s session and all of this helpful information. My two and a half year old is a big, loud protester about things he really doesn’t like. I was not surprised to see him cry and scream today, but was amazed that he stayed on my lap. He usually runs to the door or bucks his body away from the healthcare person. Today was a calm experience compared to most others we’ve had. Thank you for your peaceful and even presence.

When we got home I asked my son if he wanted to show his dad what we did with our friend Jennelle. He cupped his dad’s cheeks with his hands, and then placed his hands on the top of his head, and then after a while moved his hands to his neck. It was very sweet to watch, and reassuring to me that he had a positive experience, from his perspective.
— Amanda DeVoogdt; Viroqua, Wisconsin, after child's first session

Jennelle is certified in Zero Balancing and Biofield Tuning. She has Advanced Training in Infant and Adult Craniosacral Therapy and Therapeutic Infant Movement (Certified Tummy Time™ Method Professional). She is a mother of four and has previously served as a homebirth attendant and as a certified doula. She is a Wisconsin Licensed Therapeutic Bodyworker (#13447-146).