sequence, strategy, progression
I’m a person with a big heart and big dreams and a live in a body with a sensitive, susceptible, constitution. Why? For me, I tracked it down to a system damaged, weakened by antibiotics . to treat childhood illness, and a family history that included stravation in its recent generations. WWII and great depression, food insecurity, started recognizing this in my late teens and early twenties when I had health issues my other friends we’re dealing with, like fatigue and exhausting, digestive disturbance, depression and anxiety, skin issues. Chronic stress, hormone dysregulation, and TBIs didn’t help the situation. Forgotten how it felt to feel wellSet out to strengthen my constitution as much as possible, and do my best to create the conditions for feeling at my best. the best I possibly could. slow committed journey to heal my nervous system, heal my lymph and organs, reorient my thinking because it has an effect on my physiology. getting out of victimhood. meditation (Online program like Anastasia’s and Movement Muse where they can do a daily health reset class with me. Later join membership for SHAPE, additional classes, and coaching. or sign up to work with me privately.)
Dear Clients,
As your healing facilitator, I’m ever evolving, and the next direction I take is motivated by what you, the people I love and care about in my community need for real healing.
In the last few years, more and more people have come to me with issues that clearly are not musculoskeletal. There’s something else going on. I set out on a journey to discover why people don’t get better. even though our body is constantly renewing itself. This journey led me to the cells. The reason people don’t get better is because their body is incapable of creating healthy new cells that function optimally. You might take in all the good nutrition you need through your food and supplements, but when transportation to and from your cells is compromised, your cells will be undernourished and toxic. So I studied biochemistry where I certified with the institute of Biochemic Therapies to use tissue salts. Tissue salts don’t need to travel through the gut like food or supplements—they go straight into the cells where they are needed. I had great success, especially with children and young people and acute symptoms,
Lymphatics, fish tank. Organs.
Partnering with a physician w 45 years clinical experience in traditdional and complementary med. developer of a program with loads of clinical success and testimonials. Getting ready to offer that program to you.
In combination with organ and lymph work, the program will take you to the next level.
There is no way that doing this work will not drastically alter the course of your health trajectory.
Healing from the inside out is an initiatory experience. It leads us to claim the truth of our bodies’ design and our decision to be the master of our own healing.
People who are already doing all the right things, eating well and exercising, the frustration that they are still having symptoms, feeling off. These are missing pieces.
Will it help you feel 100% better? I don’t know. I hope so. What I do know is this … that without these pieces, it’s unlikely you’ll get well. pH, adaptation to stress, immunity, lymph, organs, minerals getting where they need to go—inside the cell—and the gook that is not you getting out.
Initiatory the gook that isn’t us, both physically and emotionally is ready to push out, so that we are available for the coherent energy, the native energy that is us.
Owe it to yourself to find out who you are without inflammtion, who you are with balanced pH, who you are with an organ system functioning as best it can, when your system is adapted to stress.
The bigger dreams you’ll be capable of having when your body systems are reset to your factory settings. Getting your health roots, when the basics and fundamentals are covered.
Thinking the root of the problem is where the pain is.
Being in a rush.
Overlooking key elements essential to the healing process.
Trying to do it alone.
Trying to do it all at once.
Going from 0 to a thousand.
Self judgement and blame.
Thinking you’ve already tried everything and that nothing works for you.
Believing every thought you have is true.
Not knowing you get to choose what to believe
Do you feel sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?
In this guide you’ll discover…
-why blood tests don’t always reflect the state of your health or give you the information you need to feel better
-the #1 body system most overlooked when it comes to restoring your health
-the role your brain chemistry plays in immunity, inflammation, weight gain, and so much more
-the most common misconception about stress-related illness
****-the simple, but crucial things that need to be worked before your body can heal itself
Foundations/Keystones of Healing Timeless Basics and Fundamentals.
I understand the order they work and why they work
Most often, screening won’t reveal a medical cause until you are already 2/3 sick. There are three phases of imbalance on the way to illness.
In the first phase of imbalance, you don’t have any major symptoms that would bring you to seek professional help, but you notice you don’t feel quite right.
When entering the second phase of imbalance, you begin expressing symptoms that have no known medical cause—your tests show you are textbook, midline normal.
In my office, we rely on facial diagnosis, palpation, and addressing the key overlooked basics and fundamentals that indicate where you need support, and help you obtain and sustain balance.
Let’s check off these boxes. Without addressing these, you probably won’t get well…
There’s a conversation that should be happening in your brain about stress, and it’s not a conversation about how you shouldn’t be feeling it. Stress is a part of life. How well does your system handle it? If stress is out of control, the conversation between Trying to manage stress with counseling or medication might help, but first we should look at the physiology of stress. If the conversation about stress between your nervous system (hypothalamus) and endocrine system (pituitary) isn’t optimal, your whole body will struggle to heal.
When supporting your body to adapt better to stress, we place an emphasis on balancing your nervous system and on the HPA axis, which governs the whole body.
pH. Minerals are your body’s painkillers. When too acidic, your body will reallocate minerals to try to balance your pH. With crucial minerals tied up dealing with acidity, you’re likely to have more pain, decreased bone density, water retention, excess mucus, and digestive complaints.
In our office we monitor your body’s pH while supporting pH balance with simple lifestyle adjustments and gentle, but effective 100% holistic supplementation.
There’s a type of stress that you can’t think, relax, or counsel your way out of. That’s the stress your cells are feeling when they are starving for oxygen, and overloaded with toxicity. With a buildup of toxicity and lack or oxygen at the cellular level, your cells send alarm signals—pain—to your brain. You must clear the drains, move the fluids, and thereby you’ll settle your system down.
In my office, you’ll receive manual therapy to open the deep drains in your lymphatic system, and you’ll learn to do this work on yourself, so your body’s waters can flow freely and naturally.
Gut Health. bioindividual, no universal gut healing program. but all guts have this in common, need for nerve and fluid flow influence and movement. gentle, not doing too much on overwhelmed system. urinalysis within a narrowly defined range of markers to indicate where you need support.
Treating only at the source of pain. ankle pain, treat ankle. stomach pain go to stomach. top down approach, hierarchy. Intervene at site of Stress/emotion, NS, lymph/fluid flow…
emotional component. Your emotions have a physiological affect on your body. Tears of sadness are acidic, and tears of joy are alkaline. It’s been said that x% of illness has a mental/ emotional component. Life coaching that helps you access your mind and wisdom along with biofield tuning that mechanically adjusts the electromagnetic waveforms associated with unprocessed emotions and experiences.
7. check the basics and fundamentals boxes. if they are an issue, and we don’t work it, you won’t get better. Let’s give your body what it needs so it can heal itself. After this program, all your other efforts will be more effective, whether its homeopathy, chiropractic, medical treatment, therapy, or ecstatic dance.
Chronic disease occurs when you can’t make new cells that work. This requires energy. Voltage
Are you tired of trying healthy practices like supplements, diet, exercise, bodywork, and other healing modalities, only to have them help just a teeny bit or not at all?
The fact is,
Good Health Requires a Solid Foundation
Without having your fundamentals covered, you will always be struggling to get well.
I know this from experience. For years I lived in chronic mental and physical pain. For years it seemed I’d tried everything. It was a journey back to the roots of my body’s basic functioning and self care. Went on a journey to learn how my body and mind work. The order and reasons behind why things work, and why they don’t. A young woman with symptoms that were emotionally and physically debilitating.
lymph and brain
stress, physiologic ability to adapt
detox and digestion
Stay Healthy… Get Well… Release Weight… Have a Baby…
Apply here.
SHAPE program strategically combines diet and drops strategy
feel the contrast. forget how it was to feel well.
humble magic, initiatory, confidence by applying constraint, parameters. my question about “controlling” one’s food. eating in order to feel in control of life? process emotions. who am I becoming as i do this program? don’t worry if you haven’t stuck to diets before. supported every step of the way by shape drops, FB group, monitoring and bioindividualized adjustments, food coaching, insights, background support from developing physician with 45 years clinical experience, kindness, nonjudgement
90 minute initial consult includes…
facial diagnosis
health history
getting clear on your why
evaluation and initial treatment of nervous system and lymph, and digestive
bottle of shape
program book and cookbook
weekly follow up urinalysis and monitoring
weekly bodywork sessions to improve function of lymph, digestion, nerves.
access to portal with all self care exercises
text access
Inflammation must be managed before you can heal. Signs of inflammation.
Pain anywhere in your body
Redness anywhere on your face
rings tight at end of day
hands swelling with walking or exercise
sock lines
excess weight that’s hard to lose
sleep issues
autoimmune symptoms
digestive symptoms
this not a race, this is about cleaning up ... body, beliefs, thoughts, addictions and Shape actually buys patients time
Humble magic, initiatory experience of healing from the inside out.