Why Packages?


After your Discovery Session, or if you’ve worked with me before, consider a package.

Is a Package Right for Me?

Consider a Package if you…

✬ Are ready for a wellness reset and want to make meaningful changes.

✬ Want to ensure you receive regular care and maintenance over the next weeks or months.


Can you relate…?

✬ Your wellness resolutions usually start off with a bang, but then you stop following through without even noticing.

✬ You make many small decisions regarding your health that don’t add up to anything truly meaningful.

✬ You keep chasing shiny, new things, changing your mind about what’s best so you don’t explore the true potential of any one possibility.

✬ As you begin feeling better, you neglect your self care until you are back in the dumps, then need to start over.

✬ You get distracted keeping up with other people’s needs and the details of day-to-day survival so you carry on without a sustainable plan for yourself.

Giving up too soon, repeatedly changing your mind, dropping the commitments you’ve made to yourself, is quitting ahead of time.

There is nothing wrong with doing any of this! These are totally common, understandable, human behaviors.

But they are not good for your self esteem.

They do not help you trust yourself more.

The truth is…

Journaling Bonus:

Ask yourself these questions when making any decision…

✴︎ What is the best case scenario for staying where I am?

✴︎ What is the best case scenario if I make a change?

✴︎ What obstacles will I need to overcome if I change? And plan for those obstacles.

✴︎ What would I choose if I would be equally happy either way?

✴︎ What decision will bring me closer to who I want to be?

Any change is built on habits and taking action.

✬ You deserve to put time and resources toward your health and aliveness.

✬ You are worthy of the life you seek.

✬ Caring for your own needs and discovering what you love will only bless your own life and the lives of those around you.

A celebration story…

I first came to see Jennelle for physical pain in my shoulders that was affecting my ability to do chores and carry my babies. The feeling of tension and pain were so great that they affected my general ability to be content and enjoy life.

There were major shifts after my first session with Jennelle, and I was pain free after a few. The improvements from our work together were amazing. I felt space!!! Space and ease. I could literally feel my joints opening in a very smooth and liquid way. My chest opened, my heart softened and I could let in light and love and joy.

My nervous system feels clear and my connection to myself and others has less interference. Physically, my improved alignment has given me more strength. Now I trust my body and my mind. Being free of pain and more able to handle stress has helped me to make clear decisions—I have decided to go to school to pursue a passion that holds great meaning for me!

I am deeply grateful that, instead of living from a place of pain and frustration and clouded vision and judgement, I can choose to live from this place—where I feel grounded and safe in my body, and where I lead from my heart.

-Sarah Costa, Liberty Pole, WIsconsin

Here’s Why a Package Inspires Transformation…

✬ You get to gather momentum, beginning your next session right where your last one left off, without needing to backtrack.

✬ Your nervous system gets continued practice at building new pathways and possibilities.

✬ You have the opportunity to experience nuanced work on different body and energy systems.

✬ Sustained balance over time lets you begin to experience yourself in a new way, strengthening your self confidence and new patterns of perception.

Some things we can explore in your package sessions…

✬ Brain and cranial balancing…for nervous system coherence

✬ Abdominal/organ work…support for emotional balance and digestive function

✬ Sonic meridian flush…a spa-like experience of tuning forks vibrating on the body

✬ Adrenal rhythm reset…the adrenal glands respond to stress and benefit from the TLC

✬ Field combing / Sonic Soul Retrieval…restore the parts you separated from during stressful times in the past

✬ Earthstar, sunstar, and central channel harmonizing…plug your electromagnetic body back into source

A Wellness Package Ensures Your Success by Making it Easy

Wellness Packages provide a structure for convenient, dedicated healing and growth.

✬ Make one decision and receive 6 sessions, or make 6 (or more) decisions and (maybe) receive those 6 sessions.

✬ Allocate and complete the payment in advance. Arrive to your session, feeling free, with the money piece already covered.

✬ Having sessions on your calendar eliminates the scramble to get in for help when you are feeling desperate.

✬ It’s cheaper and easier to take care of issues early, before they become exacerbated or entrenched. Set your future self up for success.

Jennelle Thimmesch has done a wonderful job relieving my sciatic nerve problem. I went to her with very painful body muscles and nerves. Each session has given me more relief from the pain.
— Jean Bekkedal, Viroqua, Wisconsin

My wife and I have seen Jennelle once a month for nearly five years. Some time ago we started paying for our visits in advance, 10 at once. This has changed the quality of the experience as money is not part of the interaction and our visits become only about the moment and our health. Whether it’s a stiff elbow, a mild headache, or a deep sadness, we leave these sessions feeling better and more hopeful.
— Lars Bergan, Westby, Wisconsin

I would be delighted to partner with you and support you on your journey.

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